
Sunday Worship: 10.15 am 1st and 3rd Sunday each month

Address:   Silver Street, Waddingham, DN21 4SJ

Contact: Mrs Kate Marr    01652 650114

Contact minister for enquiries regarding baptisms, marriages & funerals

Waddingham Methodist Church is a small modern Church, the building has multiple uses.  We are hoping to increase our membership so we can include more daytime activities.

The guild which has been active for 34 years, is in the process of changing its format.
A group of approximately 20 people play very friendly bridge, at 7.30 pm on Thursday evenings.
This has also been active for 24 years.

From the Marquis of Granby Public House, go up the High Street, the Chapel is on the next corner on the left, at the junction with Silver Street.

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